Two children holding food. One a banana and the other wearing a lab coat examining a carrot.

Enhancing Children's Health through Food: From Cells to Society

20 March 2024 1:00pm6:30pm
CCNR Symposium 2024 will showcase research and stimulate discussion on the vital role food and nutrition play in children’s health.

Decarbonising Australia: Once in a Generation Opportunity

15 June 2023 5:30pm8:00pm
Following the release of the Net Zero Australia study, join us for a conversation with a panel of leading academic and industry experts. Net Zero Australia is a ground-breaking multi-year study that has assessed Australia’s potential pathway to a net zero economy.

Artificial Intelligence and Medicine

26 April 2023 1:30pm5:30pm
In this symposium, we will explore several aspects of AI and medicine interaction with the help of Australian, Italian and Italo-Australian experts in the field. This event is hosted by the Italian consulate in Brisbane and the Embassy of Italy in Canberra.
scientist looking into a beaker

Startups in the Indian Biotechnology Industry: A Short Analysis

21 April 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Understanding the future of the biotechnology industry in India.

AI and ChatGPT: The latest fad, a useful tool, or something more nefarious?

20 April 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Join us online for a free webinar to find out more about AI, its benefits and risks, and what regulators need to consider when dealing with emerging technologies. Presented by the Australia and New Zealand School of Government / National Regulators Community of Practice.

Fitter, Happier, More Productive: Algorithmic Regimes & the Future of Work

19 April 2023 9:00am20 April 2023 4:00pm
This two-day symposium brings together researchers across multiple institutions to investigate the relationship between work and automation.
