UQ-UGent Knowledge Exchange facilitates visit from Professor Marleen Easton

5 Jan 2023

In November and December of 2022, CPF welcomed Professor Marleen Easton of Ghent University (UGent) for a research visit as part of the Strategic Institutional Partnership (SIP) between The University of Queensland and UGent, an Emerging Premier Partner.

As part of the SIP, CPF and UGent are engaged in the UQ-UGent Policy Engagement Program on Knowledge Exchange. The program builds and sustains collaborations between the two universities and involves a team of researchers consisting of Professor Easton (UGent), Jasper De Paepe (UGent), Valerie Vervaenen (UGent), Phoebe Evans (UQ), Dr Jennifer Yarnold (UQ) and Professor Brian Head (UQ).

Since 2020, the team has been focussed on the topic of “The Legitimacy Crisis of Expertise: International Case Studies on Government Uptake of Expert Advice.” So far, this collaboration has resulted in joint presentations at IRSPM conferences in 2021 and 2022, a journal article, and a special issue of “Policy and Politics” to be released in Autumn 2023. Throughout 2023, the research group plans to further analyse their qualitative data, produce a CPF Policy Takeaway, hold an online seminar with practitioners on both sides of the world, and a research seminar at Roskilde University on the special issue. Professor Brian Head will also be visiting the Faculty of Public Governance and Management at UGent in the Spring of 2023.

Among other activities, Professor Easton’s visit prompted a “match making” session between researchers at CPF, discussions for future opportunities for student exchange (including connecting FEB UGent with the BEL Faculty at UQ), and a Strategic SIP meeting to discuss future plans. CPF looks forward to further fruitful collaborations with Professor Easton and UGent in the near future.

Click here to read Professor Easton’s study report on the visit.

 Above: (top) A/Prof Pedro Fidelman with Prof Marleen Easton; (bottom) Profs Marleen Easton and Brian Head

Above: (top, left to right) A/Prof Pedro Fidelman, Dr Caitlin Curtis, Dr Lynette Molyneaux, Prof Marleen Easton and Prof Brian Head; (bottom, left to right) Victoria Gendle, Jennifer Rumbell, Rose Foster, Dr Jennifer Yarnold, Prof Marleen Easton, and Dr Nicki Shumway in the CPF office. 
