The Centre for Policy Futures is well positioned to assist UQ academics impact public policy in their area of expertise. One of the avenues to facilitate this is through submissions to Queensland and Federal Parliamentary Inquiries – you can find a selection below.
Due to the high level of interest from academics in writing submissions, the Centre has developed step-by-step Guidelines to Making a Submission to a Public Inquiry and a Submission Template, to assist researchers wanting to strengthen their submission writing. Note: You will require your UQ username and password to access these documents.
- Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Inquiry into compulsory income management
- Submission to the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
- Inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia
- Submission to Australia’s transition to a green energy superpower inquiry
- Inquiry into Food Security in Australia: Addressing hunger, resilience, and systems change
- Submission to the Australian Government: Attorney-General’s Department review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) - genetic and genomic data
- Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
- Inquiry into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Submission to the Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
- Inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of cities
- An Inquiry into Australia’s Antarctic Territory
- Inquiry into the strategic effectiveness and outcomes of Australia's aid program in the Indo Pacific and its role in supporting our regional interests
- Submission to Australian Human Rights Commission and World Economic Forum’s Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership White Paper.
- Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission, Human Rights and Technology Issues Paper consultation
- Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s Artificial Intelligence Ethical Framework discussion paper
- Submission to UN digital technology, social protection and human rights
- UN Special Rapporteur for Rights of Persons with Disability