Researcher biography

As the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Duck has overall responsibility for the seven schools in the Faculty, the many research centres and institutes, and the Faculty office. This responsibility is exercised in partnership with the Heads of these organisational units.

Researcher biography

Contributions to Teaching and Learning

For a sustained period of time I have contributed to Teaching and Learning at UQ though contributions at Faculty and University level including contributions to numerous working parties on topics such as assessment, Honours, postgraduate coursework, academic integrity, the award of University Medals, global mobility and internships, and student evaluations.

Since completing my Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in 2008 I have led and been involved in a series of teaching and learning projects on assessment policy and practice, strengthening gateway courses using active learning approaches, professional development for new tutors and for academic staff new to teaching and learning at UQ, student retention, and enhancing the quality of learning in outbound mobility programs. I have received funding both from the ALTC and from internal UQ Teaching and Learning grants.

Professional Activities

Member of: International Communication Association; European Association of Social Psychology

Research Activities

My research interests are in the social psychological underpinnings of human behaviour, particularly in the context of group and intergroup behaviour and responses to media, persuasive messages and public opinion.


  • PhD (Psychology), University of New England
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology, University of New England
  • Diploma in Education (Primary), University of New England
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of New England