Professor Greg Marston

Researcher biography
Professor Marston is the Centre Director at CPF. Prior to this, he was the Deputy Executive Dean in the HASS Faculty, Head of School of Social Science from 2016-2019, and Acting Associate Dean Research in 2021. Greg has also served as a member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts and worked at both RMIT and QUT in a research focused capacity. He has a thorough knowledge of the social science research ecosystem in Australia and a deep appreciation of what a genuine partnership with governments, businesses, citizens and civil society groups can achieve in promoting evidence informed social policy.
Prior to entering academia in the early 2000s Greg worked for a range of peak bodies in the community services sector at the state and national level on housing and homelessness and social security policy. He has worked closely with different levels of government, the private sector and non-profits during his research career. His approach is informed by a commitment to social justice and ensuring the voices of ordinary Australians are central to public debate and deliberation on key social issues. Greg’s own research program is concerned with poverty and unemployment, climate justice, economic security and work and emerging technologies. He has a keen academic and personal interest in the everyday politics of policy making, framing and policy discourses.