The transdisciplinary team at CPF has the expertise and extensive experience in impacting public policy through submissions to Queensland and Federal Parliamentary Inquiries - a selection feature below:
- Inquiry into Compulsory Income Management
- Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Inquiry into compulsory income management
- Submission to the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
- Inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia
- Submission to Australia’s transition to a green energy superpower inquiry
- Inquiry into Food Security in Australia: Addressing hunger, resilience, and systems change
- Submission to the Australian Government: Attorney-General’s Department review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) - genetic and genomic data
- Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
- Inquiry into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Submission to the Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
- Inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of cities
- An Inquiry into Australia’s Antarctic Territory
- Inquiry into the strategic effectiveness and outcomes of Australia's aid program in the Indo Pacific and its role in supporting our regional interests
- Submission to Australian Human Rights Commission and World Economic Forum’s Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership White Paper.
- Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission, Human Rights and Technology Issues Paper consultation
- Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s Artificial Intelligence Ethical Framework discussion paper
- Submission to UN digital technology, social protection and human rights
- UN Special Rapporteur for Rights of Persons with Disability