Dr Tim Seelig

Researcher biography
Tim has worked in policy and related roles for three decades, and has delivered many university seminars and workshops, non-government forums and conference presentations on policy making and research-into-policy processes. His Adjunct Associate Professor appointment at the UQ Centre for Policy Futures is concurrent with his professional role as a senior public servant in the Queensland government.
Tim is presently Director, Strategic Policy in the Office of the Deputy Director-General of Policy, in the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. He provides high level strategic advice, policy analysis and support on a range of challenging and multifaceted policy and operational issues to the DG and other Senior Executives, as well as assisting with complex departmental strategies and initiatives. He also manages the Strategic Policy Team in the Department
Tim has previously been an academic researcher and lecturer at the University of Queensland, a strategist and leader in both the environmental and social policy non-government sectors, a public sector researcher and policy analyst, and has consulted for the private sector. He led a number of the high-profile conservation campaigns in Queensland 2008-18, along with housing and social policy law reform efforts in the 1990s.
Tim has a PhD in Urban Sociology through the Swinburne Institute for Social Research (APA Scholar). He also has Postgraduate Certificates in Higher Education Teaching (UQ), and Housing Management & Policy (Swinburne). His undergraduate degree was a BA (with Hons) in Modern Studies, majoring in Politics, Political Theory and Philosophy, at the now University of North London.
Tim is the author of a number of formal articles, reports and other publications, including:
After leaving UQ in 2008, Tim prioritised the preparation of major legislative and policy submissions to Parliamentary Committees and state and federal departmental Inquiries, detailed policy briefings, issues papers and strategy documents, media releases and news media commentary pieces, speeches and addresses at public meetings and parliamentary processes, and social media content.