Industry and Resources Sector Adaptation Plan Survey

To being the survey, please confirm your consent to participate at the bottom of this page.

Professor Karen Hussey (Principal Investigator) and Ray Maher (Principal Researcher).

What is this research about?
Queensland industries face both risks and opportunities from climate change. To manage these risks and harness the opportunities, we are creating the Industry and Resources Sector Adaptation Plan (the Plan). This Plan is industry-led and commissioned by the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science.

To create this Plan, researchers from The University of Queensland's Centre for Policy Futures are investigating the perspectives, aspirations and concerns of a broad representation of stakeholders from across the manufacturing, mining and energy sectors, and supporting services.

What does participation involve?
A short online survey (approximately 15 minutes) about your industry.

Is my information confidential in this study?
Yes. The survey is anonymous. All data collected in this study will be stored confidentially at The University of Queensland. The data will be used for research purposes only.

Can I withdraw from this study?
Yes. Participation is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw at any time without explanation or penalty. If you wish to withdraw, simply stop completing the survey. If you wish to withdraw after you have completed the survey, the research team is unable to remove your data from the research dataset as there are no personal details to link to your answers.

Does my participation involve any risk for me?

Participation in this study should involve no physical or mental discomfort. You can complete it in your own time/place and you are free to not participate in any aspect of the study.

Does this research have ethical clearance?
Yes. This study adheres to the Guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. You are free to discuss your participation in this study with project staff (contactable on 07 3443 3150). To speak to an officer of the University not involved in the study, contact the Ethics Coordinator on 3365 3924/+617 3443 1656 or email


I have read the Information Sheet, and I agree to participate in this research. I understand that I am in a study that looks at climate related impacts on industry in Queensland.

I understand the conditions of the study and the risks involved as described in the information sheet.

I understand I can withdraw at any time. If I withdraw and wish to have my responses removed from the dataset, this can be requested by emailing the contact provided in the Information Sheet, if I have provided personal details that can link my answers to my request of withdrawal.

I am cooperating in this project on condition that:

  • The information I provide will be kept confidential.
  • The research results will be made available to me at my request, and any published report of this study will preserve my anonymity.

I understand that:

  • There is no obligation to take part in this study.