Hosted by UQ and QUT, Queensland Future Conversations offer policy-makers and ministers private meetings with experts to learn more about a topic and the issues surrounding it. See the links below for our past and upcoming events in the Queensland Future Conversations series.
Disaster Coordination and Resilience (Wednesday 25th May, 2022)
Food Security and Supply Chain Resilience (Wednesday 17th August, 2022)
Strategies to Address Housing Challenges and Homelessness (Wednesday 9th November, 2022)
Visioning Future Transport Mobility (Wednesday 15th March, 2023)
Innovation: Powering Future Industries (Wednesday 23 August, 2023), presented in collaboration with the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist for National Science Week
Protecting Agriculture Through Innovation and Science (Wednesday 11 October, 2023)
Social Media and Human Behaviour – Challenges and Opportunities for an Evolving Digital World (Wednesday 20th March, 2024)