World Science Festival Blue Carbon Panel Event
About World Science Festival Blue Carbon panel event
The Land Restoration Fund - Project Management Office is hosting a Blue Carbon panel discussion to celebrate World Science Festival.
With increased levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere contributing to the warming of our planet, we can use coastal ecosystems to store carbon for thousands of years. However, human activities have led to the destruction of a significant number of these important blue carbon sinks.
Join us for a panel discussion about why blue carbon is important and what Queensland-based initiatives and research are already tapping into this valuable carbon sink. The panel will be chaired by Professor Karen Hussey, Director, Centre for Policy Futures, The University of Queensland. Panel members include:
• Professor Catherine Lovelock, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland
• Adrian Enright, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Group Environment, Qantas Airways Limited
• Associate Professor Jim Smart, School of Environment & Science, Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University
• Dr Fernanda Adame Vivanco, Research Fellow, Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University
Please register for your FREE event ticket here.
South Brisbane, QLD 4101